How to secure report by making view only access to employee
In this article i am going to tell how to secure report by giving view only access to people. To achieve this, first we need to have an existing report. Here i am taking a report which is already built Now we need to customize the url inorder to give view only access. Replace the below path in bold with the following one in bold. analytics/saw.dll?bipublisherEntry&Action=open&itemType=.xdo&bipPath=%2FCustom%2F with xmlpserver/Custom/ and add the remaining path of your report or letter where it is located. The report of letter will end with .xdo format. Now to give view only access enter the following query at the end of URL i.e. at the end of .xdo . The URL end should like the following way .xdo?_xpf=&_xpt=0&_&_xmode=2 Now create a page entry with static url and paste the url which we customized as above and add it to the springboard. This way we can give view only access to report. Please leave a comment if you have queries...